ARANAMI S.A. is an international trade company |
We have registered 20 own products including Insecticides, Fungicides, Herbicides and Seed Treatments which we hope to increase year to year. Grifosate 48, Metsulfuron Methyl 60, Atrazine 50, D Amine. Dicamba 58, Clorimuron 25, Paraquat 27.6, Cypermethrin 25, Lambda cyalothrin 5, Endosulfan 35, Fenitrotion 100, Chlorpyriphos 48, Dimethoate 37.6, Methamidophos 60 Imidacloprid 35, Imidacloprid 60, Imidacloprid 70, Carbendazim 50, Tebuconazole 43, Thiophanate Methyl 50, Carbendazim 25 +Thyram 25, Mancozeb 80.
However we would like to work with other generic products and develop several new ones, not only agrochemicals but also fertilizing, biological products, seeds, hormones and other for agricultural market. |
We have been working for almost three decades commercializing and promoting these type of merchandise in Argentina, and also in Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia, as well as, we have worked for different Japanese factories as agent. That’s the reason because of we get a lot of experience and contacts in that countries. |
We have worked for long time in a specialized international trade Japanese company called Sogoshosha, where I was provided of a solid and wide knowledge about international business (export and import) from and to Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Asiatic countries. |
At present we are working as agent for several companies located in Japan, China, USA, Brazil and our country with the prime objective to promote international business trade. |
Besides we have experience in export operations of, meats, fishes, honey, wines, fine granite, fish meal, meat and bone and, etc. We are interested to export other type of products such us: food products, dry bean, chemical products derivative from horses and cows, and to import telecommunication equipments, machines and other products, mainly from Japan and China . |
We also have the capacity and structure in order to carry out collection, control of shipping and unloading, and market research among others.
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