| English


ARACarb 50 - Carbendazim 50%

Broad spectrum fungicide with systemic action and preventive and / or curative effect.
ARATiometil 50 - Thiophanate Methyl 50 %
Foliar fungicide systemic action, preventive or curative in crops such as soybeans (EFC), wheat, beans, peach, peanut, apple, citrus and more.



ARAConazole 25 - Tebuconazole 25 % (Producto en proceso de registración)

Foliar fungicide systemic action, preventive, curative and for erradicate.
Control White Shock, Stain, rust and powdery mildew.
ARANzeb - Mancozeb 80 %
Foliar fungicide for broad-spectrum contact and preventive action.
ARAConazole 43 SC - Tebuconazole 43 %
Foliar fungicide systemic action, preventive, curative and for erradicate.
Control White Shock, Stain, rust and powdery mildew..
Aranami s.a. All Rights reserved 2008.